Why Vote
We are Hockinson
Hockinson is a school district - in the larger city of Brush Prairie. We are unique. We're not Battle Ground. We're not Camas. We don't have a city with large chains of commercial businesses to lean into for tax support, but we do have community.
After a year on pause, let us take a moment and remember what that means to be a community. We know each other. We know our neighbors. We know their kids. They know ours. We know they graduated from Hockinson High School that year way back. They know I have a kinder starting this year, a middle schooler, a senior this year, or a graduate off at college - or maybe all of the above. We're all busy, that's for sure!
We attend fall sporting events, usually in the rain, band concerts, plays, art shows, robotics competitions, mock trials, equestrian competitions, and spring sporting events, also in the rain. We buy coffee (again and again), flowers, produce and handmade crafts from small business owners who are also our kids' friends' parents, who are also coaches, teachers, public servants, all of whom are our kids' mentors, and then we meet up for pizza and ice-cream at the market to celebrate the latest victory - whatever that may be - big or small, because we have a lot to celebrate when you think about it.
We have experienced losses as well. And yet we come together when it means the most. We have experienced a lot over the years, especially now. But no matter the weather, no matter the year, no matter the circumstances, we can all agree on one thing: we ALL need to come together if we want the best for our kids in the classroom, on the field, on the stage, in the arena, to prepare them for wherever life leads them after graduation. We are community. We are Hockinson.
Support Our Students
Levies and Bonds support education where elected officials have failed to fully fund the experiences and capitol investments necessary to allow our community to be successful. It is important to know how the decisions of state legislators, the Governor, members of Congress, and the President affect the cost and quality of public schools and higher learning institutions.
Local levies and bonds help the school district by giving school board members options when making decisions on policies and budgets that will affect how well prepared your child(ren) will be for their future. You may not agree with everything but think how your vote impacts the students of Hockinson Schools. Vote to place your children and grandchildren in good hands both past, present and future.

Economic Value
No kids. No Vote. Right? Not quite. According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, there is a strong correlation between school expenditures and home values. A report titled, “School Spending Raises Property Values,” found that for every dollar spent on public schools in an area, home values increased by $20. These findings indicate that additional school expenditures have a beneficial impact on all homeowners in the community, whether those residents have children in the public school system or not.
A study conducted by the Brookings Institution found that home values tend to be higher in areas where high-scoring schools are located. After researching one hundred of the largest metro areas in the United States, the study found an average difference of $205,000 in home prices between houses in high-performing school districts and low-performing school districts. Many homes located near high-performing schools were also found to be larger, with 1.5 more rooms than homes found in lower-performing school districts. Interestingly, rental options were also found to be around thirty percent lower in volume in high-performing school districts.
Knowing this, it is safe to say that those living in good school districts will pay a considerable amount to reside there. It's easy to forget that 'economic value' encompasses not only property but also business representation, gathering, community events, the district's commitment to equity, and the support for nutrition services, just to name a few.
Voting is your Right
Voting is your right. Don’t take it for granted! Voting is more than just electing a candidate, it’s choosing the right policies with your best interests in mind and how those decision will affect our community, state and nation. When you vote, you are taking an active role in deciding issues regarding the Hockinson community and helping to shape the future for generations.
Updated 1/26/22